Stoked, New Graphics En Route | March 07, 2001 |
Posted by Shang | 12:00 PM EST |
 | Hey folks. A lot of people have been working hard behind the scenes to help get this SpaceCadets website jump started, and those efforts are starting to pay some real dividends. ScrubbyBubbles has put together a collection of images to replace the background/buttons on this site, and I have to say they look super. He has a few changes he is working on, and then the new look will be unveiled. Similarly, a friend of Stratos' has been working on drawing up a mascot for our site, and it is also amazing. As far as I know, all that remains to be done with that is some inking and then it will also be available for your viewing pleasure.
If you encounter these guys, thank them for their effort. Hopefully you will be as impressed as I was when you see them. On that note, more code coming soon, so keep the ideas coming. Peace. |
Important Password Announcement | February 26, 2001 |
Posted by Shang | 10:16 PM EST |
 | I noticed a flaw in the code that implemented the password system for the user accounts earlier this evening. Because of this flaw, the passwords for all user accounts that have been created up until now are all stored in lower case. This bug has been fixed, and passwords are now case-sensitive as they should be (eliminating capital letters makes it MUCH easier for an attacker to launch a brute force attack on a password).
For this reason, if you have already created an account, I would like to ask for you to do two things: 1) please note that your password is currently stored in lower-case letters, so when you try to login, you will need to put your password in all lower case. 2) please change your password to contain a mixture of lower and capital letters now if you would like to do so. All user accounts created and passwords set from this point forward will not be affected by the all-lowercase bug. |
The Trauma Has Subsided | February 25, 2001 |
Posted by Shang | 12:06 AM EST |
 | OK faithful space cadets, we're now relocated to our very own webhost with our very own easy-to-remember domain name. I apologize for the delay in getting this move finalized: there were some issues regarding the database setup and then a user with some run-away processes that were affecting the site.
There have been some changes around here you might have noticed, including the appearance of a Counter-Strike section to the page. The Counter-Strike League will be the first organized Space Cadets activity, and we're looking to kick it off next weekend, so keep your eyes and ears pealed. More information about that can be [appropriately] located on the Counter-Strike rules and news links. |